Friday 1 August 2008

crafts, cars, morning walks

I've been away from computerland for a while now, hence my absence.
This is because I set up a studio for myself and I've been very arts-and-craftsy of late.
here's some photo's:

this is a nightlight i made as a late bday present for rachel.

also, our car has been full of troubles. the other night we (me jesse pablo) had an EPIC TANTRIC GEARHEAD episode with her. She was dying around beds and flooding and finally gave up, after which we tried to roll her down this big hill... and just had the same dead car - except now we we're at the bottom of the hill. It rained as we walked home to get advice from steve (our neighbour who knows all about cars), it rained as we walked back... we all got in the car with the utmost faith that steve's advice would make the miracle happen. the car said I DONT THINK SO.

she was heaps cranky. not cranking. WE were cranking. WE were bouncing up and down, screaming pleading, humping that hunk of stubborn machinery until our muscles burned and our throats got husky. and then the battery died.


the key turned and the engine gave this lazy buzz. i didn't care. i held the key there as if i wanted it to buzz itself to fire or something. i don't even LIKE driving cars. i love my bike. i love biking at night, all black, imagining i'm a flying ninja.

here we were, wet, with only this miserable moan from the flat battery... until GLORY! a little zZJWEWw! (as some little lost current pulses through... yes baby... come on, come on... we start again, stroking the dashboard, giving her all our energy, talking sweet sweet intimate love magic come on come on you can do it do it we love you oh oh ZZZWEWwww... yes, stay with me, stay with me...


(so skip the bits where the car died again and we had to push it around a parking lot in the freezing midnight hours, and also the fact that the car's battery is fucked now and i'm ignoring it for at least a week - )

me and her's got a connection now. i won't call it love. but anyway. i still get hyper talking about it.

(tanx to jesse for making the threesome such an awesome experience... and pablo... for laughing so much. and petrol money. i'll pay you back man, swear.)


i love going for morning walks with ripley. i love small details of the world caught in the first sunlight...

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