Thursday 12 June 2008

day of the wannabe

sunrise: i wanna be a tigermonkey.

tigermonkey can stretch bendybendy
is light like a birthday balloon
moves like soundwaves
breathes rainbow air with balloon lungs
and drinks little riverworlds into his body

...also has magic bowl and spoon for eating
rainbow custard with berries
(which ignites the brain with hyperfuel sparks
and makes body go into fly mode)

teatime sun: i wanna be guerilla ninja,
flying out into the day.

guerilla ninja
likes flying foxes and bike chases
scouts the fringes between urban and wild environments
knows everything that grows
plants seedbombs to crumble walls
marks and makes secret routes for missions

midday: i wanna be master bing

master bing
is master of voodoo trashworld
turn wasted scrap into treasure
pretty nifty gifts tools and stuff
makes people go WOW...
(also makes filthy money)

sundowner: i wanna be
tai-chi gardencook
(alias guerilla ninja)

tai-chi gardencook [special skill: dance kata with six magic arms]
makes food from garden and forest
cooks most delicate orgasmic rainbow custard with berries
and many other feasts unprecedented WOW

twilight: i wanna be a tantric-shaman

tantric shaman
with musical mantra magic
for dancing electric magnetic body vibes
(also performs "miracle of creation" with Mother Earth as "Papa del Sol")

night dreamtime: i wanna be parki

parki is the playworld in my heart
it's the child that explores with imaginative fascination
picking up all the scattered bits of magic moments and memories
weaving them together in the mosaic of dreams
dreams that take form like strange creatures born
in the fireworks of full-moon festivals


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